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How Brides Can Get Flat Abs


Category : Womens Issues

In the following article, I will answer one of the most commonly asked questions among Brides to Be.

Q: How Do I get Flat Abs Before my Wedding day?

A: As a trainer, I get this question all the time. Most people think that the more crunches or sit up they do, the flatter and sexier their abs will get. I have to break the sad news to you and let you know this simply is not true.

Here’s Why: Everyone has a six pack on their body. The human form of your abdominal region is naturally a six pack. It’s more of a question of whether or not you can see it. The amount of fat on your body or “body fat” is the real determinate of flat stomach. The question brides should be asking is “How do I reduce my body fat?”

Reducing body fat is a process that takes several factors into consideration, including diet and exercise. When exercising brides should make sure the regimen includes some form of resistance training, whether it be through lifting weights or plyometrics or body weight drills such as one finds in a fitness boot camp program. Having the right resistance and having several muscle groups working in unison does the most to rev up your metabolism so you are burning more fat and calories even when you are not working out.

Another important factor to take into consideration when attempting to reduce body fat is diet. Probably more important than exercise, diet is king when it comes to body fat reduction and getting flat, toned, sexy abs. You can work out all day, but if you go home an eat crap you won’t see any results. Some general tips I give to brides on diet is to eat several times throughout the day. It doesn’t have to be 6 meals a day but a bride looking to get sexy, flat abs, should not go more than three and a half hours without putting something in the system. This could consist of snacks like fruit or carrots and hummus.

Brides must also consider portion size. Anyone can gain weight even by eating too much healthy food. A good rule of thumb to follow when thinking about your plate is that any protein source such as chicken, fish, or beef should not be any larger than the size of your palm or hand. Just the palm, not including the fingers. Any grain (avoiding simple carbohydrates such as white rice, sugar, or processes foods) a serving should be about the size of your entire hand including the fingers. All vegetable servings should be at least the size of your entire hand if not bigger.

And for a secret to eating less and losing more weight for brides to get those flat abs, eat your veggies first. You’ll be fuller fast and won’t have room for the higher calorie items on your plate.

So in summary, getting flat abs before your wedding day is going to take more than just doing a bunch of crunches. But with a thought out program and a little attention to your diet, it can happen sooner than you might think.

How the HPV Vaccine Can Help Young Women


Category : Womens Issues

The Human Papillomavirus or HPV is a highly contagious infection that can lead to cervical cancers in women. The disease can be treated, and the lesions may disappear, but the infection remains in the body. HPV treatment can vary, from using medications to surgery, but as the infection remains the symptoms may reappear. It has been found the about 70% of cervical cancers are a result of a woman being infected with HPV at some stage during her lifetime, often years earlier.

  • What is HPV?
  • There are many different types of the virus, some which cause common warts found on places like the hands or feet, but there are about 40 different types that cause genital warts. All warts are highly contagious and anyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting genital warts. It is these strains of the HPV virus that can lead to precancerous changes in the cervix.

  • HPV Vaccine
  • There is now a vaccine available that can help prevent cervical cancer and conditions caused by HPV. This vaccine is available for women and is given to young girls as part of the immunisation program offered through schools. Girls are offered the vaccine at 12 or 13 years of age, which parents will need to give permission for, and the vaccine is given as three shots generally over a 6 month period.

  • Who is at risk?
  • All women are at risk, this is why it is important to educated and vaccine young women and girls against the risks of HPV. If a young woman is sexually active or plans on being so in the future then she is at risk. It has been shown that nearly one in every two sexually active females has the infection, and even if they have no symptoms they can still be a carrier. A woman may be aware she has contracted the infection because she develops a case of genital warts, or she has an abnormal Pap test or is tested positive for HPV.

  • How is it spread?
  • Genital warts are usually spread by skin to skin contact during intercourse with someone with the virus. Condoms can be used to help protect you against the virus but these are not a fool proof method of control due to the fact that not all of the skin is covered. The only method that is 100% effective is avoiding sexual contact altogether with someone who is infected, although you can’t be certain of this method either since many people have the disease but show no symptoms or do not even know it themselves.

  • When is it best to be vaccinated?
  • It is best for girls or young women to be vaccinated before they are sexually active. The vaccine itself is not a live vaccine so the disease cannot be caught from receiving it. Side effects are rare, although mild reactions may include pain, swelling, redness or itchiness around the injection site. Other less common reactions can include fever, dizziness or nausea.

    Diagnosing And Treating Vaginal Bacterial Infection


    Category : Womens Issues

    Disorder of the female reproductive system can be minor or serious but are usually anxiety producing and often distressing. Some disorders are self-limited and cause only minor inconvenience to women; others are life threatening and require immediate attention and long-term therapy. Some examples of disorders are Urinary tract infection (UTI), vaginitis, urethritis, and the like. Though we can say it as a vaginal bacterial infection, we can also say it as a urinary infection which is the term commonly used in the medical field.

    Some of the Causes of Vaginal Bacterial Infection

    There are lots of causes of this type of infection, it could be a hygienic problem, the usage of chemical substances like commercial products etc., some are sexually transmitted and there are others also. Yeast/fungi/ candidiasis can be also a cause of UTI, because yeast is one of the best places were bacteria can live freely & can grow faster, especially if the sufferer has a lesion in the vagina. This is partly because yeast can live in both warm and cold temperatures.

    Urinary Tract Infections are caused by pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary tract. UTI is classified into 2 categories which are Lower Urinary Tract Infection and Upper Urinary Tract Infection. Upper UTI is much less common and includes acute or chronic renal abscesses etc. while the Lower UTI includes bacterial cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder), bacterial prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) to name but a few.

    Most Common Symptoms of Infection

    A variety of symptoms are associated with UTI. Signs & symptoms could be dysuria (pain upon urinating), burning sensation, nocturia (urinating at night), incontinence, pelvic pain, rashes on the affected part, and frequency (urinating frequently in 3 hours). UTI can (in extreme cases) be life threatening if not be treated early. Common risk factors include obstructed urinary flow, inflammation of the vaginal area, poor hygiene, instruments used in the vagina like urinary catheter, and immunosuppression.

    Preventing UTI is important! Always maintain a good standard of hygiene, ensure early detection of the problem (visit your doctor as soon as symptoms appear), and have regular health check-ups. The rule of thumb is – If you are unsure, ask your doctor.

    Cure & Treatment of UTI

    The ideal medication for treatment of UTI is an antibacterial agent that eradicates bacteria from the urinary tract infection with minimal effects on fecal and vaginal flora, therefore minimizing the incidence of vaginal yeast infection (or vaginitis). Yeast vaginitis often causes more symptoms and is more difficult and costly to treat than the original UTI. Most common drugs of choice in this kind of infection are cephalosporin or an ampicillin/ aminoglycoside combination, levofloxacin (levaquin).

    Other commonly used medications include trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and nitrofurantoin (macrodantin, furadantin). Regardless of the drugs prescribed, the patient should always complete the course prescribed, even if relief of symptoms occurs before that time. Longer medication courses are generally prescribed for men, pregnant women, and women with pyelonephritis and other types of complicated UTI’s.

    Butt Exercises – Exercises To Tone and Shape Your Butt


    Category : Womens Issues

    If you are not in shape then you are not ready for the summer. Are you dreading the thought of getting your butt into a bikini? Try out some of the simple exercises listed in this article to tone and shape your butt.

    • Walking Lunges: Stand upright with your feet apart at your hip width. Keep your arms straight and hold a pair of dumbbells. Move forward taking a large step, lower your body in such a way that the knee is aligned with your ankle and the back knee almost touches the floor.

    Using your back foot push off, with the other foot move forward again taking a large step. Take at least 15-20 steps in the same way. Turn around when you are done and then repeat the process. When lowering your body contract your gluteus.

    • Extension Step Ups: With your palms facing the sides of your body, hold dumbbells. Keep your arms straight and step behind a high step, about 6-12 inches high. With the right foot step up onto the high step, lift your left knee to hip height. With your left foot step down and repeat with your right side.

    • Bent Leg Reverse Kick Up: Get down on your knees and hands on a mat, raise the left leg parallel to the floor. Allow your knee to bend slightly and let you right leg and arms support your body. Contract your butt while lifting your left leg towards the ceiling. Keep your knee slightly bent. Slowly go back to the position you started with and repeat with your right side. If you would like to make the exercise a little more difficult then use an ankle weight on the working leg.

    • Lying Gluteus Lift: Lie down on the floor with the knees bent. Use your arms to support yourself. Contract your gluteus lift upwards in a motion projecting the hips towards the ceiling. Lower your hips again and stop before you touch the floor. When you move upwards exhale and inhale when you return to the position you started with.

    • Smith Machine Rear Squat: You can either use free weights or a Smith machine for this exercise. Place the bar of the machine across your back; do not rest it on your neck. Keep a shoulder distance between your feet. Ensure you keep the knees behind your toes throughout the exercise and don’t arch the back. Lower the weight, contract your gluteus and stop when you knees reach a 90 degree angle. Return to the first position and repeat the process. Remember to exhale when lowering the weights and exhale when you go back.

    • Cycling: Riding a bike can help you shape your thighs, hips and gluteus. To tone your gluteus, use your heel to push the pedal down and pull the pedal up during the upswing, this ensures that the entire leg is involved in the workout. Also try lifting your butt upwards, contract and pedal slowly for brief periods.

    Blood Clots – What You Need To Know


    Category : Womens Issues

    Venous thromboembolic disease is a serious and potentially life threatening condition. Both men and women are at risk for this, however hormone therapy often used in menopause increases this risk. Blood clots in the leg veins, known as Deep Venous Thrombosis or DVT, are the most common manifestation of thromboembolic disease.

    Predisposing factors include:

  • A hypercoagulable state in which the normal clotting mechanisms and the inhibitors which prevent uncontrolled clotting are inhibited
  • Venous stasis where this is decreased blood circulation
  • Damage to the blood vessel wall which can include chemical, physical and immune related injuries
  • It is generally agreed that the above three conditions are required for a DVT to occur. These conditions can be present in several different forms. Coagulation is mediated by several proteins which are produced in response to damage to the wall of the blood vessel. The platelets which travel there to repair the injury also help to produce coagulation proteins. There are several inherited conditions which can alter the response of these proteins, resulting in impaired coagulation.

    There are also inhibitory substances that are responsible for dissolving a clot after it is created. These inhibitors act to neutralize the coagulation pathway when appropriate. A deficiency in these proteins can allow the coagulation system to be hyperactive.

    Elevated levels of estrogens as seen in pregnancy, as well as use of HRT and oral contraceptives can create a hypercoagulable state through increased production of some coagulation proteins.

    When other precipitating events or conditions exist in the setting of increased estrogen, you are at risk for a DVT.

    Venous stasis can be caused by:

  • Prolonged bed rest such as a hospitalization
  • Prolonged air travel of over 4 hours without opportunity to walk
  • Heart failure
  • Damage to blood vessel wall can include:

  • A medical procedure which involves placing a catheter in the groin blood vessel
  • Cancer and cancer treatment drugs
  • Fractures of legs or pelvis
  • Recent surgery of hip, knee or female reproductive organs
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Other factors which could place you at risk for a DVT include age over 60, obesity, and being of blood Type A.

    Signs and symptoms of a DVT includes an acutely swollen and painful leg without prior cause or reason for this. Pain in the calf with movement or flexion of your foot upwards can also be a sign of a blood clot, especially when combined with the above precipitating factors.

    It is important to seek medical care as soon as possible if you believe you have a blood clot as several dangerous events can occur with these blood clots. The most serious problem could be a piece of the clot breaking loose and travelling to your lungs. This causes inability for that section of lung to work correctly and can ultimately cause destruction of this segment of lung. This event, pulmonary embolus, can be life threatening.

    It is important to realize that anyone with several of the risk factors and the situation of immobility can be at risk for dangerous blood clots, however being older and being on hormone therapy increases this risk. It is important to take measures to prevent these clots such as use of support hose if involved with prolonged immobility, drink plenty of water, and work on improving fitness.

    Be aware of the symptoms of a blood clot and see your medical provider if you are experiencing any problems which may be associated with thrombosis. It could easily save your life!

    Should I Get Silicone Implants Or Saline Implants?


    Category : Womens Issues

    Are you asking “Should I get silicone implants or saline implants?” In this article we are going to help you weigh the pros and cons of both types of implants.

    When you have decided that you want to undergo breast enhancement surgery you may be confused about which type of implants you wish to get. You are asking “Should I get silicone implants or saline implants?” because you want to get the best looking results but you also do not want to have scars or unnatural feeling breasts. Let’s go on to look at the pros and cons of both types of implants.

    • *Saline*

    When it comes down to it saline is very lowly used in the US at this time. There are only about 15% of breast implants that use saline. Many surgeons are trying to push these implants because of the TUBA procedure however.

    The TUBA procedure will allow you to get implants through your navel and this will avoid scaring on your breasts. The only problem is that you have to get saline implants. Besides for that since the placement is done remotely misplacement of the implants is much likely to happen.

    What does misplacement mean? It simply means that your breasts could be lopsided and uneven.

    • *Silicone*

    As you ask “Should I get silicone implants or saline implants?” you need to think hard about getting silicone implants. These are the most naturally feeling implants and as less prone to wrinkling than the saline implants. What you may not know however is that you are going to experience scaring.

    There are 3 different places that you can get incisions done when getting a silicone implant placed. These are either in the underarm, beneath the breast in the crease or around the nipple.

    Many women have opted for the nipple option but the bad thing about this is what they don’t tell you is that it is actually possible that your nipple could actually fall off. This does not happen very often but if you are the one that it happens to then you are going to believe that it is one time too many.

    • *Conclusion*

    It all really comes down to picking between the lesser of two evils when you want to enhance your breasts by using implants. This can be quite a hard decision so I suggest that you do more research on the subject and find out what your personal goals are.

    How to Lose Fat From Legs For Women


    Category : Womens Issues

    Excessive fat on the legs is one of the most common complaints that you will hear from women trying to lose weight. This article will show you how to lose fat from legs.

    The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that leg fat is the same as fat on any other part of the body. The only difference is that most women tend to accumulate fat more naturally on their thighs, hips, and buttocks. So the chances are if you are trying to shed those pounds, you have probably lost some fat off your legs, but because there is more of it, the fat loss is less noticeable when you compare it to other areas of the body.

    You may currently feel that no matter what you do, nothing seems to work.

    You may have tried various thigh toning exercises in your leg workouts, all to no avail. However the real key to losing fat from legs involves a number of components, get these right, and you will get results.

    Knowing how to lose fat from your legs, involves knowing what types of exercises you should be doing. You need to use methods which are going to burn a lot of calories during a workout session. I am not talking about touching your toes, doing stretches for your legs, or anything like that. I am talking about exercises which are going get you out of breath, and cause a burning sensation in your legs.

    Your legs are the biggest muscles in your body, and this means that your body has to use a lot more calories when you exercise them.

    So you need to focus on exercising then using methods like jogging, riding an exercise bike, using a treadmill, a stepper, and anything else which involves a greater use of the legs.

    Now you may think that you have tried all that but it has not helped you to lose fat from the legs. It is not only important that you do these exercises, the real key is how you do these exercises. The next couple of tips are extremely important for losing thigh fat successfully.

    First of all the timing of your exercise is very important. Try to do your leg workout as early as you can. You have probably heard of this method, but this is how it really works.

    Your body uses carbohydrates for energy as it is the easiest fuel for it to convert to energy. When you exercise early, your carbohydrate levels become depleted, meaning that your body has less carbs to use as energy.

    The Carbs that you will eat after your workout cannot be stored or used as energy straight away by your body. It takes your body 24 hours to convert the carbohydrates that you eat into glycogen, which is the fuel it uses to give your body energy.

    Scientific tests have proven that once your carbs have been depleted, your body needs to start using fat as an energy source. What this means is that after you have done your leg training in the morning, for the rest of the day your body will use fat to power your body.

    Essentially meaning that any activity that you do during the day is going to burn fat. So a great method for burning more calories from fat is to do your morning leg training to deplete the carbs, and do another workout later on in the day. The second workout will be using fat as an energy source as there is very little carbohydrates left in the body.

    This method has been scientifically proven to work, and if you didn’t know how lose fat from legs before, you do now. All you have to do is to stick to it for a while.

    Constant Itching From Your Privates


    Category : Womens Issues

    When you experience itching from any area of your body it is most very often an unpleasant experience, but when you are a women and its coming from your vaginal location, most of the people who have been through this also will tell you it’s possibly one of the worst experiences of their life. The embarrassment adds towards the problem also, let me tell you try having to explain to a pharmacist or doctor about your little problem, because even just thinking about doing this is a real off putter for anyone. That is exactly the reason why your best friend in this situation would be the world-wide web..

    But much more often than not this will likely leave you far more confused and distressed than you ever were before. Your mind is basically being overloaded with useless concepts. From lying naked inside your bed every night to avoid the moisture gathering around your privates, to even altering your panty liners to the non chemical type, or even changing your diet regime. This is the main reason why yeast infection sufferers are paying out multiple hundreds of dollars, but only to continue suffering from the disease as most of the online solutions above are a complete waste of time and money. Sound familiar?

    The shocking reality is this and most yeast infection sufferers do not seem to comprehend is the fact that you need a program which was produced by a person who is not just knowledgeable about the topic, but is qualified to teach about the disease and spent several hours of their life creating a permanent cure. But the vast majority of sufferers do not..

    The very fact is, would you allow a painter change the color of your automobile just because he’s good with paint?

    If you want to get your life back inside a matter of hours and quit the hours of scratching, the bleeding and also the depression. Then you will have to follow someone who’ll support you, a person who has been where you are now at one time in their life and understands the ins and outs of yeast infection. Hundreds of thousands of other sufferers have used this very program and have expelled this disease from their life. So if you want to get back to living your old life its in your hands!

    How to Make Larger and Fuller Breasts


    Category : Womens Issues

    A woman wants always want to be good looking and boobs helps the woman to look beautiful. You can see the proof that in several cases a big boob woman always gets the preference over small boob’s girl. So to have big boobs is a dream for a small boob lady. To grow the boobs bigger is not an impossible task. A woman can increase their breast size. This article will help a woman to grow a cup size boobs. So read this and does the following tips, woman will gain benefit.

    Breast massage: breast massage is the natural way to increase the breast and it not so much time consuming also. Woman has to give massage to breasts only two times a day. The massage should be in circular motion i.e. from lower to sideways and from sideways to upper portion. This rotation will take about 1 sec. Do this 100 to 120 times. Woman should use soft hand while massaging because sharp pressure can destroy the breast tissues.

    Breast implantation: Breast implantation is the artificial way to grow the breasts. In this technique silicon gel is used to grow the breast. But this is not a safe technique. IN starting it feels better after surgery. But after sometime, woman faces complications. Complications are like drooping of breasts, Irregular shape of boobs and the most dangerous breast cancer. So we are advising you. Don’t go for surgery.

    Breast enhancement exercise: breast doesn’t contain any muscle. It consists of mainly mammal glands and milk ducts. Pectoral muscles are the muscles situated behind the breast to support the breast. It uses the same concept like man uses the pectoral muscle to make the chest larger. Woman can also work on pectoral muscle.
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    Dumbbells are used to lift the pectoral muscle. First, lay down on ground and tale 2 to 3 lb dumbbells on both hands and then stretch your hands outwards upwards and make the motion in such a way that dumbbells move upwards and inner motion also. Movement of dumbbells should be in line of your breast nipples. Do this 15-20 times. You can increase the rotations after practicing it more and more. This is the best exercise that works on pectoral muscles to lift them and then they lift the breast upwards and cause the breast to increase. Woman can do this at home herself or she can go to gym and can do this under supervision of trainer.

    Placental Abruption


    Category : Womens Issues

    Placenta is a fleshy organ which develops during pregnancy to nourish the growing foetus. The placenta attaches itself to the wall of the uterus and the all oxygen and nutrients to the baby is transferred through the placenta. The placenta usually separates immediately after delivery and is expelled. However in some situations the placenta may peel away from the wall of the uterus before the baby is delivered. This condition is known as Abruption of placenta. Abruption of placenta is a rare but serious complication of pregnancy. It is an emergency and needs emergent medical and surgical management. The symptoms of abruption are:

  • Vaginal bleeding: Light to heavy
  • Abdominal pain
  • Back ache
  • Uterine tenderness
  • Frequent contractions of the uterus
  • Abruption causes bleeding mostly after 20 weeks of gestation. The bleeding may be frank or consist of altered blood. It is not possible to estimate the degree of abruption from the amount of vaginal bleeding. It is possible for severe abruption to present with little or no bleeding. Both abdominal pain and back pain start suddenly and are quite severe and may be cramping. The pain may radiate to the thighs as well. If you experience any of the above symptoms you must contact your doctor immediately. The causes of placental abruption are not clear but a few of the following conditions are known to be associated with a higher incidence of abruption:

  • Previous placental abruption
  • High birth order and multiple pregnancy
  • High blood pressure
  • Abdominal trauma: falls, blows and even light trauma in susceptible women
  • Substance abuse: cocaine especially
  • Smoking
  • Premature rupture of membranes
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Age>35 years
  • But in majority of the cases of abruption no specific cause is found. Since abruption presents suddenly it leaves no time to prepare either mentally or physically. Women may be having plenty of questions and may be under a lot of stress and strain. The following may help: Have your spouse or a relative or friend with you when you visit the emergency or the doctor. They will be of support to you. Think of all the details you can recollect about the problem. Inform the doctor in detail about all symptoms you are suffering from. Also inform your doctor about any substance abuse (especially cocaine) and smoking. In the emergency or the doctor’s office you are likely to be asked further questions about the pain and bleeding. Once these questions are done with you can expect your B.P to be measured and a general physical exam carried out. The doctor will then gently examine your abdomen and listen to your baby’s heart beat. Following this he may order a few blood tests and an ultrasound. The USG is probably the most important and competent investigation to diagnose placental abruption. USG will be able to quantify the degree of placental compromise and bleeding. It will also help assess foetal maturity and health. Once a diagnosis of abruption is made the further course of management depends on two factors:

  • Degree of abruption and other co-morbid factors
  • Maturity of the foetus
  • There is no way to re attach a placenta which is separated; hence most of the care is supportive. If the baby is not sufficiently mature and the bleeding has stopped then the woman may be advised absolute bed rest and both the mother and baby monitored carefully. In some cases steroids are given to the mother to enhance the maturity of the baby’s lungs. If the baby is near term then the baby is usually delivered either vaginally if conditions are favourable or by a caesarean section if there is an emergent need to terminate the pregnancy. Placental abruption may lead to the following complications:

  • Maternal shock
  • Premature birth
  • The fetus being deprived of oxygen and nutrients
  • Later neurological problems in the baby
  • Stillbirth
  • Since placental abruption occurs suddenly without any fore warning there not much prevention available, but the following measure will help reduce the complications due to abruption and improve the outcome:

  • Don’t smoke or use illegal drugs, especially cocaine
  • Control blood pressure and other chronic health conditions
  • Wear a seat belt in the car to prevent potential trauma
  • Although placental abruption is a serious disorder of pregnancy most women go on to deliver healthy kid in the present as well as future pregnancies.