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Naturally Reduce Breast Size With Exercise


Category : Womens Issues

Surgery for breast reduction is not an option that is considered by everyone because many women are afraid to go under the knife. They wish to naturally reduce breast. They are not able to afford the high costs involved in surgery. They also wish to avoid side-effects. Such women could consider certain exercises in order to reduce the size of their breasts.

Exercise is extremely helpful for those women who have very large breasts because it helps to reduce the overall fat from the body. This will include the fat that gets stored around the chest region. Breasts are made up of fat or adipose tissue. As one takes the help of exercises in order to burn fat from all over the body one will notice considerable reduction in the size of one’s breasts. If one is aiming at best results, one should work with a qualified trainer for right guidance when it comes to losing weight and also reducing the size of one’s breasts. One could perform cardiovascular exercises in order to reduce the size of one’s bust. One could do cardio vascular exercises like aerobics, swimming, biking and running in order to reduce fats from all over the body as well as those in the chest because breasts are composed of fatty tissues. One should increase the intensity of one’s exercises slowly when one is comfortable with one’s routine. One could perform chest exercises that they are effective only if they are performed properly. These exercises help to make the muscles of the chest firm and result in the breasts looking small. Exercises of the chest include bench-press and push-ups. Of course, one should consult a trainer if one wishes to experience the desired results soon and to also avoid injuries. Exercises in order to reduce the size of the breasts along with other routines of breast reduction are extremely effective. Herbal pills for breast reduction are extremely helpful for those women who wish to reduce their unwanted baggage naturally. Excessively large breasts are not appreciated by women at all because they have to undergo discomfort like pain in the arm, shoulder, back and neck, grooves from the bra straps, rashes below the breasts and also breast pain. Women wish to avoid such hassles which is why they wish for breast reduction. One can get the correct size that is proportionate to one’s body with the help of regular exercise, a proper diet and natural pills and supplements for breast reduction. All of these do not cost much as compared to the cost of surgery. One is guaranteed of the results that one has been on the lookout for all one’s life.

Exercise will help one to lose weight and also sculpt one’s body. Naturally reduce breast by exercise and make them firm. One should reduce the intake of calorific foods by sticking to a proper diet in order to reduce the fatty tissues in one’s body as well as the area around the breast. Natural supplements and pills for breast reduction consist of natural herbs that are safe for consumption without prescriptions from doctors.

Hot Flashes And Insomnia


Category : Womens Issues

Hot flashes and insomnia are inter-related. Those women who have the problem of severe hot flashes at night have the associated problem of insomnia or sleeping disturbance as a related problem. These are the problems which you can’t avoid but you can reduce the severity of its effect on your daily life. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to check the severity of this disease, otherwise women who experiences this problem at night would be affected by insomnia for the rest of her life.

Nearly 85% of post menopausal women complain that they cannot go to sleep and just lie awake worrying about this problem. Also it has been found out in studies that more women in their perimenopause state suffer from insomnia than those in the post menopausal state. If these problems are treated with proper care then the harmful physical effect of insomnia can also be reduced considerably in both perimenopause as well post menopausal women.

It is often said that even the treatment for this problem induce insomnia, and for this the hormone replacement theory is often held responsible. It is now said that the hormones used for treating hot flashes act as deterrent for a good night’s sleep for many women. But you should not start having sleeping pills for overcoming this problem. Rather you should go to your doctor and discuss your insomnia.

If these diseases are responsible for your insomnia then you can sought the help of some herbal products such as black cohosh and soy which are known to reduce the effects of hot flashes. Also you need to find out what habit of yours is triggering this problem at night and avoid them. You can change your eating habit at night and cut off the smoking habit of yours for reducing the frequency of these at night.

Also before going to bed, relax for about 30 to 40 minutes so that your mind is completely stress free. This you should do in a darkened room as it will help your body to produce the sleep hormones such as melatonin. Do not take hot showers or indulge in exercises before going to bed. Avoid having alcoholic drinks or hot tea just before going to bed. Also you must avoid having spicy foods. You should have carbohydrate rich diet since carbohydrate induces sleep. Warm milk is also a good option for inducing sleep and it helps lessening the effects of hot flashes in women.

Laughter Can Make You Pregnant


Category : Pregnancy

Yes, seriously. Making a woman laugh increases her chances that she will conceive. This finding comes from a unique study which was conducted at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Israel. The results of the study were released in 2006. Researchers, led by Dr Shevach Friedler, an expert in the field of human fertility and reproduction, accidentally discovered that using humor and laughter almost doubled the conception rate, probably due to an alleviation of stress experienced by women undergoing IVF treatment. In setting out to conduct this study the researchers had little inkling about the connection between laughter and fertility, but when the results were in, the conclusions from this small study were inescapable. The researchers did not expect it and were astounded and delighted by it. This study is a first in the field of laughter and human fertility. Taking charge of your fertility is perhaps possible with the power of therapeutic clowning and laughter.

The study involved 186 women between the ages of 25 and 40. All were undergoing IVF treatment. Half the women were visited by a “clown doctor” during the critical period after embryo transfer whilst recuperating in bed. The other half of the women got nothing (the “control” group). In other words, this was a real experiment.

For the women in the clown therapy group, after their embryo transfer had taken place, and whilst lying in bed, a clown came in to interact with them with the aim of getting them to smile and laugh. Humor and laughter was used as an antidote to stress. And according to Dr Shevach, the women responded wonderfully.

The clown doctor, dressed as a hospital chef, connected with patients and got them to see the funny side during the session which lasted 10 – 15 minutes. (Just talking about hospital food gets me laughing). The clown (who didn’t wear the usual clown outfit to avoid the association with children) not only tried to make patients laugh, they also related to them and tuned into their feelings. The clown was professionally trained in therapeutic clowning. The aim of the clown therapy was to decrease the anxiety levels of the patients undergoing IVF treatment, which can be a stressful event for any women undertaking this procedure and for whom such paramount importance is placed on conceiving.

The results were striking. Of the women who had the clown treatment, 33 became pregnant versus only 18 women in the control group. That’s almost double the success rate. Dr Friedler admits he has no scientifically proven explanation for the result and intends to conduct a larger scale study in the future. Knowing laughter can increase conception rates is another way of taking charge of your fertility.

Regardless of the lack of an explanation, an important take away lesson from this study is for husbands to support their wives after intimacy by way of creating a stress free environment, particularly one that induces laughter. After sex, lighten up, watch a funny movie, be with friends who make you laugh. This is another way of taking charge of your fertility. Yes, laughter can make you pregnant. What was the saying? Laughter promotes life, literally.

Candida Albicans Symptoms


Category : Womens Issues

Candida Albicans symptoms — otherwise known as yeast infection or Candida / Candidiasis symptoms — have some basic typical characteristics and some others that might surprise you. Here, you’ll discover what these signs of a yeast infection are and a totally natural way to eradicate them for good.

  • Candida Albicans

First, let’s look at just what Candida Albicans is. Candida Albicans is a naturally occurring fungi found in the human body. It particularly enjoys the warm, moist areas to set up house. It normally doesn’t do you any harm at all because your body’s good bacteria controls its numbers and keeps it in check.

But, there are circumstances when the fungus can overcome your good bacteria. When this happens it can overgrow and spread throughout the body, but particularly in those warm, moist areas I talked about above. This then gives rise to the symptoms of yeast infection. And I suppose you could call these Candida Albicans symptoms.

  • Candida Albicans Symptoms in Women

Okay, so let’s now go over the symptoms to look for in women. The typical women’s symptoms are things like; chronic itching, inflammation of the vulva/vagina, white cottage-cheese-like discharge, burning sensation when urinating, painful or impossible sex, menstrual pain, and so on.

Most Candida symptoms appear in the genitalia, but a yeast infection can occur almost anywhere in the body. Another place where it occurs a lot is in the mouth. Oral Candida symptoms are; whitish raised spots over the tongue and soft tissue, could have a thick whitish coating all over the tongue, bad breath, difficulty swallowing, pain in throat, sometimes red spots on the lips.

Now these are the typical Candida Albicans symptoms in women to look out for. But, there are other Candida symptoms that you wouldn’t associate with yeast infection. Typical of these are; memory loss, depression, fatigue, irritability, sore / stiff joints, stress, headaches, and tons more. You may also get skin rashes, lesions and even acne.

Most women usually use over-the-counter or prescription creams, pessaries, lotions, sprays, oral suspensions, etc., to try to eradicate their Candida Albicans symptoms. And these can work over time. But, they are drug-based and do have some nasty side effects for many women. And, they tend just to attack the local symptoms, not the root cause.

Some of the things that are at the root of a Candida infection are issues such as a lowered immune system, too many antibiotics, hormonal imbalance, some drug therapy, too high blood sugar levels. So these need to be properly addressed in order to totally eradicate your yeast infection. This is why more and more women are turning to natural remedies to get rid of their yeast infections. (See below).

How To Make Breasts Bigger Using Yoga


Category : Womens Issues

If you’re asking your how to make the breasts bigger, yoga might be the answer for you. For thousands of years, yogic practitioners have witnessed the benefits of the calming and introspective poses, also known as “asanas”, that are part of the art of yoga. With a philosophy of building strength through stillness, many of these poses can be used to target specific areas of the body and greatly improve them. There is a wealth of exercises designed specifically for natural breast enlargement; many of which require little to no athletic ability and are accessible to any woman looking for methods about how to make the breasts bigger.

These exercises provide numerous positive effects that extend far beyond breast enhancement, including circulatory and strength improvements, mental well-being, body chemistry correction, and also perfecting posture which will assist in creating that toned and perky bosom women are looking for. There have also been noted anti-aging effects that stave off a sagging bust and combat the stretch marks associated with it. Many of these all-natural benefits are unique to yogic exercise, and will not be gained from a visit to the plastic surgeon.

Yogic methods work through a series of muscle building exercises, many of which can be focused on how to make the breasts bigger. Because the breast tissue is not muscle, but fat, the exercises work the pectoral muscles underneath the breasts to naturally generate tissue development and noticeable lift. This is something every woman can do- with easy to follow instructions and a positive attitude about minimal daily exercise, success can be seen in a very short period of time. Yoga for natural breast augmentation is a great routine that women everywhere have chosen over dangerous and expensive surgeries- and with amazing results!

Doctors the world over have approved of the ancient Sanskrit techniques and raved about the mental and physical enrichment they provide. Yoga for natural breast enlargement is one of the most risk-free options available, and is especially effective when used with enlarging creams or supplements. Some of the most popular exercises that are recommended to make the breasts bigger are ordinary push ups as well as yoga poses such as the Tree Pose, the Half Spinal Twist, and select portions of the Sun Salutation. Many asanas that stretch the chest muscles can also be used, including the Cobra and Upward Facing Dog. It is advisable to combine as many of the poses into a flowing routine as is comfortable to do, and to spend at least 20 minutes a day working through the exercises. Yoga can be a viable option for those asking how to make the breasts bigger.

2 Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally


Category : Womens Issues

There are many women who are very unhappy with the size of their breast and have always wanted to have them bigger. Most women assume the only way they can increase the size of their breast is to get breast enhancement surgery and get implants put in, but there are ways to increase breast size that are all-natural.

What most women forget is that the breasts are actually controlled by hormones that the body produces. A great example of this is when a girl goes through puberty and her breasts have a rapid growth spurt. The growth spurt is caused by certain hormones the body produces at that time in a girl’s life.

If you are looking to increase your breast size naturally there are low-cost ways that you can make your breasts look bigger and fuller. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery but instead adopt some different healthy tips and techniques into your life.

Spices and Herbs that Increase Breast Size

There are specific herbs and spices that will help you increase your breast size. One of these herbs that you can take in a supplement form is called fenugreek. It is an all-natural herb that stimulates the production of a hormone called prolactin in the woman’s body. When taken on a regular basis, fenugreek can trigger the body to produce the required amounts of prolactin to make the breasts grow larger.

The great thing about herbs and spices that work to increase breast size is that they are not only effective but they also are completely safe when taken properly. Just be sure that you don’t take more than the recommended dose amount that the manufacturer recommends.

Watch for Chemicals and Toxins in Your Life

There are certain chemicals and toxins that may be present in your environment that is preventing you from achieving bigger breasts. These chemicals and toxins can be found in foods, plastic bottles, household cleaners, and any other chemicals that you may be around. These harmful substances will actually throw your hormonal balances off, causing you to not produce enough the required hormones to make your boobs grow larger.

If you really want to increase breast size you need to make sure that you are eating organic meats and vegetables that are free from pesticides. If you can rid your body of unnecessary hormones that may be found in meats and pesticides, you can have a better chance at different breast growing techniques working successfully for you.

There are actually several different ways that you can increase breast size naturally. Your diet and your environment are just two of the ways. There are other natural ways that you can stimulate your breast to grow and finally get the chest you have always longed for.

How to Treat Chronic Urinary Tract Infections


Category : Womens Issues

Are you one of those women who seem to deal with a urinary tract infection all too often? Do you feel like as soon as one infection goes away, you have another one fast approaching? If you feel this way, then you need some help.

You need to learn more about how to treat chronic urinary tract infections. If you are one of those women who have to deal with recurring infections all of the time, then you need to make a serious change. Life doesn’t have to be this way for you and you can get the relief that you have been searching for. It’s time to make that happen today.

In order to treat this infection, you need to learn how to prevent it. Only then can you protect your body from ever having to deal with a painful UTI again. One of the biggest things that you should change are your daily habits. Wiping in the wrong direction could certainly be the culprit and one of the reasons why this infection keeps happening to you. When you wipe back to front, you run the highest risk of tracking fecal matter through your most sensitive area. If this bacteria travels inside of you, it can definitely start an infection in no time at all. Wiping in the opposite direction keeps you safe and can definitely help to keep you from developing another infection.

When you have an infection, all you really want to do is to get relief from the pain. You don’t want to have to deal with the pain for another moment and you are desperate for relief. Thankfully, relief is right around the corner by drinking lemon water. Lemon water helps to kill the bacteria inside of your urinary tract because it is powerful. Lemon is known for killing bacteria and for keeping areas clean. The same can be said for your infection. More importantly, it is loaded with vitamin C and this helps to make your immune system stronger. This helps to keep you strong and helps your body to fight off future infections. Not only are you treating your current infection, but you are also preventing future infections from ever happening to you again.

You don’t have to live with chronic UTI’s. You can use these natural treatments to work in your favor and you can start using them today. Change your habits, change your treatments and you can change your life.

Herbal Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections


Category : Herbal Treatment

When a urinary tract infection strikes, you have no time to prepare for it. With this type of infection, it comes on suddenly and full force. No matter what, you cannot prevent this from worsening, no matter how hard you try. This infection is ruthless and it controls your body from the second it starts to the second it goes away. However, you don’t want to wait around for it to heal. You want to do something about it today.

You are looking for a way to stop this painful UTI with natural remedies. Even though the doctor may be able to help you out, you don’t want to wait around for relief. You are in pain and you need a solution right away. It is time that you learned more about an herbal treatment of urinary tract infections.

Using natural remedies to treat infection is becoming an increasingly popular idea. Now, more than ever before, women are looking at herbal solutions to their many problems, including painful UTI’s. The reason why women are seeking this kind of remedy is because it is cheap and easy. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on natural treatments because they are readily available to you. As well, they are easy to use because they are safe to use and you don’t have to worry about developing some sort of side effects.

If you are ready to get rid of your painful UTI, then here are some herbal treatments that you can try. Since the infection is in your urinary tract, you want whatever treatment you are using to pass through that system of your body. The easiest way to target that area is to use treatment in the liquids that you ingest. Drinking lemon water has a massive positive impact on this infection in your body. Lemon works really well to reduce infection in the body because it gets rid of the impurities. Lemon will essentially flush the infection right out of your body, leaving you feeling clean and refreshed. Drinking lemon water can certainly work for you to help you to get rid of your painful infection.

Another herbal treatment for a UTI is to use ice. Icing your lower abdomen can certainly help to reduce inflammation and that is one of the biggest reasons why you are feeling this pain. The urinary tract is swollen and it is putting pressure on your body. Icing can help to alleviate some of the swelling, easing some of the pain and allowing you to return to a normal life.

How To Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis Returning


Category : Womens Issues

If you have recently got over a bout of this very uncomfortable and embarrassing condition, you may well be wanting to know how to prevent bacterial vaginosis returning. Unfortunately, this is a quest which many women have tried at, and failed, with BV being one of those conditions which seems to come and go with alarming regularity.

Understanding a little about BV can help you understand why it can seem to be so difficult to shift and just what you can do about it.

Bacterial vaginosis is the result of an overgrowth of harmful bacteria within the vagina. Under normal circumstances, both good and bad strains live harmoniously, with the beneficial bacteria maintaining overall control. When the status quo is disrupted, the healthy bacteria is weakened and allows the harmful strains to grow out of control and it is this which causes the symptoms, including the foul, fishy smelling discharge and the irritation and itching around the vagina.

One common mistake many make is to see the symptoms as a simple infection and assume that once the symptoms have disappeared (as they often will after a course of antibiotics) then that is the end of it. The problem is that the treatments you can get from your doctor or pharmacist will not eliminate the root cause and prevent bacterial vaginosis returning, meaning that once the symptoms have been dealt with, this is only temporary and your symptoms are likely to recur within a few weeks.

If you would like to know how to prevent bacterial vaginosis returning, it is necessary to use a range of strategies to eliminate the root causes and not just the symptoms.

Common Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis Include:-

* Overwashing
* Using perfumed products near the vaginal area
* Douching
* Smoking
* Eating a poor diet
* Having a lowered immune system
* A change of sexual partner
* Using an IUD

As you can see from the list above, the causes can be varied and therefore it can take a little detective work to establish what might be your trigger points. However, great starting points for those wanting to know how to prevent bacterial vaginosis returning would be to eat a healthy diet, and consider taking a nutritional supplement. You could also take steps to stop smoking, if this applies and use a condom whilst the condition settles.

In addition, enhancing and strengthening the levels of good bacteria within the vagina will mean that the levels are high enough to help prevent further outbreaks, in some ways giving an “immunity” to the common trigger points even if they are present.
Although not harmful in the early stages, untreated BV can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility. If you are prone to this condition and would like to try other natural treatments, there are a couple of fast acting solutions which I recommend which will help you be rid of BV within hours. These are completely guaranteed to work and have already provided a permanent cure to thousands of women worldwide.

Genital Warts and Pregnancy


Category : Womens Issues

There is often a lot of conjecture about the possible links between genital warts and pregnancy. In particular there is often discussion that is based around the risk that the condition can be passed onto your baby. This article attempts to explain this situation in more detail so you have a better understanding of how genital warts and pregnancy are connected.

A substantial proportion of the population get infected by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and then present with genital warts. Women who become pregnant run a risk of passing on this disease to their baby as it is very contagious. Accordingly, it is recommended that the problem should be treated before the child is due.

The genital warts themselves can even cause problems during pregnancy and have potential to create other health issues. For example, you might find that the warts will grow larger and this can lead to pain or difficulty with urinating. You might also find that, due to changes with your hormones, the growths will be more significant and could even start bleeding. If the warts are located inside the vagina, they also could limit the elasticity of this region which might lead to obstruction or at least a more difficult delivery process.

Obviously genital warts and pregnancy are not a great mix so it is important that you get proper medical attention as soon as possible. The HPV has potential to weaken your natural immune system so this adds increased potential for contracting other infections or viruses. It is not all doom and gloom though and some things need to be kept in perspective. In most cases pregnant women will not pass the condition onto their child. This doesn’t meant that you should ignore the potential problems that can occur. This includes laryngeal papillomatosis which is the name of a condition where babies get infected with warts in their throats. Although this is quite uncommon, it is obviously a very dangerous condition if it happens and it will require quick medical treatment.

For the reasons outlined above you really need to consider ways of treating the condition before it impacts significantly on your health or the health of your unborn child. If you are looking at prevention to make sure that it isn’t an issue for you in the first place, then a good starting point is to make sure that you are not having sex with someone that has HPV. Abstinence is great, but not always realistic, so if you find this difficult in your particular circumstances at least try to be careful with any potential partner. You really need to reduce the potential of getting the disease so consider using condoms as they will provide some protection from potentially getting the infection.

Genital warts are clearly an unpleasant problem to deal with and this applies whether you are pregnant or not. If you are pregnant though, there are even more reasons to take precautions to ensure that you don’t contract the infection in the first place or to make sure that you get proper medical treatment if you do.