Martha is a married middle aged mother of two who spends the majority of her day seated behind a desk responding to customer queries as a customer service rep. She used to be more active in her teens but lately her lifestyle has become sedentary and she is overweight with a daily fetish for pastries and chocolate. Spandex tights and nylon pantyhose are her favorite gear to hide the cellulite on her thighs. She has hopes of loosing weight, regaining fitness and health soon but presently she is at a loss as to how to cure a yeast infection and stop the annoying cycle of symptoms which routinely affect her. She contracted a yeast infection during pregnancy and eventually went for treatment after childbirth and was prescribed antibiotics which only made her symptoms worse. Prescription antifungal drugs did provide control but symptoms kept returning after a few weeks.
The costs of the gynaecological visits and the prescription medications has made Martha desperate to find a natural way to manage this problem. She has resorted to over the counter topical creams that provide temporary relief from the itching and burning symptoms when they flare up.The whitish discharge she tries to control by douching and then washing with bar soap. The slight musty odour is masked by her body spray which she applies heavily to her underwear. In recent times her health issues seem to have grown beyond an itch. She has been having persistent sinus infections and stuffiness, irregular bowel action, allergies to things that never bothered her before, sleeplessness and regular migraine headaches that seem resistant to pain killers. Her immunity also seems challenged as every little bug that comes through her office or home knocks her down flat for days while other victims only get a sniffle. Her husband Dave is still intimate with her but as a lady’s man has found alternatives to satisfying his sexual needs due to Martha’s ongoing complaints about painful sex.
Martha is a classic case study of chronic yeast infection. The yeast has migrated into her blood stream,body cavities and organs and has become a threat to her immune and digestive systems and possibly her life. Her husband Dave is a silent carrier with the potential to continuously reinfect her unless he also gets diagnosed, treated and curtails his philandering with other women.
These are the four steps that must be taken to achieve the best cure for a chronic yeast infection.
1)Treat the existing infection promptly on the advice of a medical doctor.
Revisit a gynaecologist and obtain an accurate medical diagnosis along with appropriate antifungal prescription. The topical and systemic antifungal medications currently prescribed are thorough and effective in treating most yeast infections.
2) Avoid relapse by identifying and eliminating the many conditions of reinfection.
The problem of relapse is the basis of why yeast infections are so persistent and hard to manage. Yeast and fungi have evolved an exceptional lifecycle preserving adaptation by going into a dormant and resistant spore state in which they are inactive but still capable of emerging to full virulence when the right conditions arise. The many conditions of reinfection that exist in the daily lifestyle of a regular person are evident from Martha’s case and include
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a) overweight
b) high sugar diet,
c) tight synthetic clothing,
d) physical inactivity
e) misguided hygene practices
f) hormonal imbalance
g) immune stress
h) antibiotic misdiagnosis
i) promiscuous sexual partners
3) Know the symptoms of a chronic or invasive yeast infection and take remedial and preventive action.
Most victims are unaware that once yeast invade the body en mass they destroy the natural microbial and biochemical balance and can produce a wide range of seemingly unrelated desease symptoms that include stomach disorders, headaches, sinusitis, immune depression, painful sex.
4) Most importantly adopt a comprehensive homeopathic or natural treatment plan of action for prevention based on lifestyle habits.
The masterplan will guide the sufferer through a range of do’s and dont’s lifestyle activities aimed at economically relieving minor symptoms, preventing reinfection and saving sufferers a ton of money on gynaecologist visits and prescription medications due to relapse.