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Health and Care: Cheers to your Body


Category : Health Care


The empirical findings and nutritional tools put together by the pioneers of nutrition — Doctors Royal Lee, Melvin Page, Weston Price, Francis Pottenger and Harvey Wiley — have been offered for humanity to thrive. But in order to do so, we must eat better. Cheers to your Body

The foods we eat must be whole, fresh and unprocessed. To continue with a life of poor dietary habits and increased chemical consumption will inevitably lead to decreased vitality and unhealthy children; in short, the degeneration of the human race. We evolved eating certain foods in certain ways. No caveman has ever been known to trim the fat off of his meat — he ate the entire animal. No Alpine villager ate low fat cheese. The Maori fishermen never avoided shellfish for fear of cholesterol. They ate the cholesterol with all the fat. Real and whole foods are packaged how nature intended — containing all the nutrients for optimal assimilation by our bodies. Eating whole foods insures us of the highest value of nutrients our food has to offer. Tampering with them is ill advised.


Life does not have to end the sad way that society, pharmaceutical companies and allopathic medical doctors want us to believe. Life ends when our mission is complete. Life is beautiful and will include years of accumulated wisdom for you to pass onto grandchildren and great-grandchildren. During the later years of our lives, mental acuity can become sharper, the body can remain mobile and our joy can be uncontainable.

We ALL can heal, regenerate and live in wellness. It may appear that you are regaining your youth in the process — do not be alarmed, but embrace the change. The five most important factors for achieving optimum health and vitality or reversing illness and disease are interdependent:

  1. Finding a holistic health care practitioner: The word ‘Doctor’ means ‘Teacher.’ They will be able to guide you to positive lifestyle improvements; a healthy diet is among them. Learn from them as much as you can. Attend their monthly patient lectures.
  2. Equitable Exchange: It costs money to be healthy; it costs more to be sick. The healer you eventually work with has invested time and tuition fees to learn their trade for your benefit. They are often very affordable and will never turn a patient away due to financial constraints. Your life is worth multiples more than the amount you eventually pay them. If you grow vegetables in your organic garden, many will exchange the vegetables of your labor for their services.
  3. Initializing Effort: Undergo a purification program, eat organic and whole foods, exercise, mend relationships and, above all else, enjoy every moment. You must do your part.
  4. Allowing Time: Holistic healers are quite capable of undoing one year of degeneration with one month of serious healing work. Be patient and open to the experience.
  5. Brightening Attitude: Above all, you must believe you can heal. Attitude is everything. Fill places of fear with courage. This is the most important factor of all.


Risk Factors for Mortality


Category : Health Care

A total of 248 patients (27.8%) died during their hospitalization. Patients with a microbiologically confirmed infection had a statistically greater hospital mortality rate compared to patients without infection (35.5% vs 22.3%, respectively; p < 0.001). Kaplan-Meier plots of the probability of remaining alive during hospitalization for patients with and without microbiologically confirmed infection. Patients with microbiologically confirmed infection had a statistically higher probability of in-hospital mortality compared to patients without evidence of infection (p < 0.001 [log rank test]). Among the baseline characteristics examined, hospital nonsurvivors were statistically older, had greater APACHE II scores, and had a higher Viagra for sale Australia prevalence of underlying malignancy, chronic renal insufficiency, the need for dialysis, and cirrhosis. Hospital nonsurvivors required significantly more central lines, were more likely to receive enteral nutrition, mechanical ventilation, vasopressors, and sucralfate, and to require reintubation. The development of new infiltrates seen on chest radiographs, purulent sputum, temperature > 38.3°C, severe sepsis, primary bloodstream infection with a central vein catheter in place, secondary bloodstream infection, ventilator-associated pneumonia, urinary tract infection, skin or soft-tissue infection, multiple infections, culture positivity for vancomycin-resistant enterococci, and the presence of a microbiologically confirmed infection were statistically more common among hospital nonsurvivors.

Multiple logistic regression analysis demonstrated that underlying malignancy (AOR, 1.90; 95% CI, 1.46 to 2.50; p = 0.015), chronic renal insufficiency (AOR, 2.30; 95% CI, 1.89 to 2.80; p < 0.001), cirrhosis (AOR, 2.89; 95% CI, 2.16 to 3.86; p < 0.001), APACHE II score [AOR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.07; p < 0.001], mechanical ventilation (AOR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.39 to 2.27; p = 0.018); temperature > 38.3°C (AOR, 1.50; 95% CI, 1.24 to 1.81; p = 0.035), skin and soft-tissue infection (AOR, 10.71; 95% CI, 3.52 to 32.59; p = 0.033), and therapy with vasopressors (AOR, 3.08; 95% CI, 2.53 to 3.76; p < 0.001) were independently associated with hospital mortality. Variables independently associated with hospital mortality for patients with APACHE II scores of < 20, between 20 and 25, and > 25. Cirrhosis and the requirement for vasopressors were the only variables associated with mortality for all groups of severity of illness examined.

Stress and Distress


Category : Health Care, Stress

What Is Stress?

Stress is a very normal human reaction to a perceived threat from any source. A certain amount of stress in our lives is good for all of us. Stress can mean different things to different people. It can have a positive and a negative effect. Stress can be positive when it motivates us to get things done that are important to us. However, it can be negative when we constantly feel pressurised or traumatised by too many demands.

Without some stress we could not get out of bed in the morning, never mind do a day’s work. However, when we are under too much stress or when the stress we are under exceeds our ability to cope, stress can turn into ‘distress’. By distress I mean that the level of stress we are under is having a negative effect on us. This can be bad for both our short- and long-term health, with potential adverse health consequences. Canadian Viagra Online

What Happens to Our Bodies When We Are Under Stress?

Stress wakens up or arouses our system, so that we experience the ‘fight or flight’ response. At a primitive level this meant that when a caveman was walking in the woods and came across a big brown bear his body could make very quick adjustments so that he could take drastic action and save himself from the bear.

The heart starts to beat faster and pump more blood, raising the blood pressure. The pupils (the dark parts) of the eyes widen to allow in more light, the breathing gets faster and the tubes going into the lungs widen to let in more oxygen, the mind becomes more alert, blood is diverted towards the muscles, which become tense and ready for action, while blood is diverted away from the gut and the skin, which becomes cold and clammy. As well as that, hormones called adrenaline and cortisol are pumped into the blood, which causes the blood sugar to rise providing an immediate source of energy. Changes also occur in the blood, enabling it to clot more easily – a basic protective mechanism to enable quick repair of any wounds. All of these changes happen very quickly, allowing our caveman to fight or take flight. In the case of our brown bear, his best option is to leg it as fast as he can. Female Viagra Australia

So, as you can see, stress is an essential and very useful mechanism by which the body and mind can adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. Stress can be good for our health and welfare and is a necessary tool for survival.

You can see from the diagram (above) that a certain amount of stress increases performance; however, once the amount of stress we are under goes beyond a certain point, known as the ‘tipping point’, then performance actually starts to reduce with increasing amounts of stress. In this situation we are in a state of distress, which can be very harmful to our health. The amount of stress we can individually cope with varies from person to person. This may tend to depend at least partly on personality, but also on our own coping mechanisms for dealing with stress.