Bacterial Vaginosis is a common condition that develops when there is an imbalance of good bacteria or lactobacilli present in the vagina. One third of women in North America have bacterial vaginosis. Although medical practitioners are not exactly aware of the main source of this infection, many of the symptoms occur after intercourse, excessive cigarette smoking or vaginal douching. There are fortunately many bacterial vaginosis home remedy approaches that will begin to heal this infection. Once the symptoms of this infection are recognized, home remedies can be used to alleviate these symptoms.
Although most women have very mild or virtually no symptoms at all, there are basic changes in the vaginal area one should be aware of. One of the symptoms is a thick greyish discharge that emits from the vagina. This discharge carries an unpleasant fishy odor, which will profoundly contrast the natural vaginal odor. These are similar to vaginal yeast infection symptoms.
The woman will feel an uncomfortable burning sensation, resulting in swellness of the vagina. One simple approach is to take a cloth and apply cold water to the infected area of the vagina to relieve swelling.
Diet plays an important role in adjusting the imbalance of bacteria. Garlic is known for it’s excellent antibacterial function. Garlic can be added to soups, salads or it can be taken as a capsule.
Garlic cloves can be inserted into the vagina every 4 hours to reduce the rapid growth of bacteria. Yogurt is a common antibacterial food and home remedy that can also decrease the symptoms of both swelling and itching. These natural methods have proved to be more effective. The Coneflower (Echinacea) has been used as a blood purifier and natural antibiotic, but should not be used for any long period of time or by individuals allergic to the sunflower family.
A hot bath with either cedar or tea tree oil is another option to alleviate the itching which can soothe the entire body. The main objective of these approaches is to rid the body of toxins and the reproduction of bad bacteria. This can be done by practicing basic healthy hygiene and following a balanced diet. It is also recommended that cotton underwear is worn and that clothing is not tight or made out of non-breathable materials.There are many people that have found the cure that is best for them and their cases.