Hormone symptoms in women – menopause.
Women can begin to developing hormone imbalance symptoms as early as their thirties. It is believed that due to the chemicals and hormones in our environment that women are developing hormone imbalance symptoms earlier and earlier. The first stages of a hormone imbalance are called perimenopause. Hormone imbalance symptoms usually begin to show up as irregular periods, loss of the sex drive, gaining weight, loss of hair or growing hair in unwanted places, insomnia and night sweats. As you enter menopause you can have several or just one of the symptoms listed.
Menopause is not considered a disease, but can have you feeling like your life is being turned upside down. Menopause is considered a natural process that all women go through. When hormone symptoms do begin to show up, there are things that can be done to help restore the feeling of well being. It is important for you to know that you are not alone and there is help available.
Some simple things you can do to help minimize the symptoms of menopause are meditation, reducing stress, proper eating habits and diet, exercise, yoga, avoid alcohol and caffeine, and drink lots of water. It is important that women who are experiencing hormone imbalance symptoms take time to relax and unwind. Stress can be one of the biggest factors in contributing to the hormone imbalance symptoms. Leading a balanced life with attention to your physical, psychological and spiritual needs can do wonders for menopausal symptoms as well as your over all well being.
Below is a simple set of questions you can use to see how well you are managing your hormone imbalance symptoms.
1. How many and what symptoms do you have?
2. Do you lead a life full of stress and tension?
3. Do you feel that you push yourself to hard and are out of balance?
4. Are your hormone imbalance symptoms mild or severe?
5. Do you suffer from insomnia?
6. Do you drink alcohol or smoke?
7. Do you have a balanced diet?
8. Do you drink plenty of water?
9. Do you do some form of exercise at least 30 minutes a day?
10. Do you meditate?
The above questions will give you a general idea of how well you are taking care and if you should seek help in managing your hormone imbalance symptoms. Be honest when answering them, you only hurt yourself if you are not.
Hormone imbalance symptoms in men – andropause
There is male menopause and it is called andropause. Men just like women can suffer from hormone symptoms. There are some difference between andropause and menopause. Men begin to suffer from hormone imbalance symptoms when they stop producing the normal levels of testosterone. For men testosterone in the main sex hormone as in women it is estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone tends to be at its highest level when a man is in his late teens and gradual falls off from there. Andropause may not begin to show up till a man reaches his forties or fifties. Below are some of the common symptoms of andropause.
1. Reduction in the sex drive. They may also find it less enjoyable.
2. reduction in vitality, energy.
3. Am increased difficulty in remembering things and concentrating.
4. An increase in irritability, anger, anxiety and depression.
5. An increase in weight while at the same time loosing muscle mass.
6. Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
7. Bone loss
8. Reduction in their self confidence with an decreased ability to make decisions.
9. Muscle pain, joint pain, night sweats, hot flashes and mood swings.
10. Increased risk of heart disease.
11. Erectile dysfunction
Fear not men, there are ways to combat hormone imbalance symptoms. Just like in women it is important to reduce stress, exercise, eat a proper diet and get plenty of rest. There is also hormone replacement therapy for men when the hormone imbalance symptoms become severe.